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copyElement Tag

The copyElement tag copies an element in a primary or secondary model to anoher location in the same or different model. The copy can be shallow or deep.

Attribute Kind Required Purpose
select node yes An XPath expression resolving onto the node to be copied. If the expression resolves into multiple nodes then only the first node in the list is copied
toSelect node yes An XPath expression resolving to the node which is to the be parent node of the copy
name string yes The element name of the new node
recursive string no Whether on not the copy is deep (true). The default is true.
var string no A context variable name to associate with the new element

Full Form

<c:copyElement select=“” toSelect=“” name=“” recursive=“” var=“” >

Usage and Samples

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org.gramar.base/tag.copyelement.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/27 20:35 (external edit)